The Gothenburg archipelago- VIP Style

Did you know that 80% of all questions to the local tourist board are about the city’s archipelago? Seems incredible, unless you live here. The archipelago is Gothenburg’s Eiffel Tower, our pyramids, and our Grand Canyon combined. It’s not only a unique piece of natural beauty shown on national TV in France and elsewhere, but also a historic place with traces back to when the land first emerged from the sea, roughly 13,000 years ago, at the tail end of the last ice age.

Vikings, Fishing, and smuggling are just part of our history

This page is a bit of a serenade over the archipelago, and it’s true. It is a unique place, but let’s take it one step at a time. The archipelago is actually two archipelagos: the southern (smaller islands, still mostly car-free, with narrow roads and quaint little settlements.) and the northern (larger islands, easy to reach by car with larger villages/towns.) There are further differences, as the southern islands are part of the city of Gothenburg, whereas the northern archipelago is an independent commune, called Öckerö.

The archipelago extends further north, with treasures like Åstol, Dyrön, Marstrand, and many, many more. They are part of what we refer to as Bohusläns Skärgård (=archipelago.) Some can be reached by car, others are more remote and need to be reached by boat.

Why is the Gothenburg Archipelago so famous?

You be the judge! Come and have a look. But it has to do with ease of reach (tram to Saltholmen and onward by boat, all on a simple 90-minute public transportation ticket), the beaches, and the variety of islands. Given that Gothenburg is a big city with a tiny string of pearls at its gates makes it appealing for visitors, local and foreign.

But before I let the pictures speak for themselves, don’t forget that we live here, we know these islands better than any city guide, and we can show you things city guides don’t even know exist! Like the images below? Contact us so that we can show you what it looks like in reality!

Impressions from the archipelago

All images above have been taken by our guide, Hans Hirschi, who’s lived on the island of Styrsö for decades. He’ll be thrilled to take you around himself! To learn more, check out the archipelago brochure or contact us. For your personalized tour, VIP-style, we’re here to make your time on the islands a great memory for life.